
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

SAP PM Notification Configuration. Part 1

Create Notification Type: (T Code OQN0)

IMG Path : Plant Maintenance and Customer Service > Maintenance and Service Processing > Maintenance and Service Notifications > Notification Creation > Define Notification Types

Plant Maintenance Notification types

PM Notification Types

SAP PM Notification Types Configuration

Catalogs for Notification Tyes (T Code: OQN5)

IMG Path : Plant Maintenance and Customer Service > Maintenance and Service Processing > Maintenance and Service Notifications > Notification Creation > Notification Content > Maintain Catalogs (Define Catalogs/Edit Catalogs)

SAP PM Catalog Types

Define Catalog Profile (T Code : OQN6)

IMG Path : Plant Maintenance and Customer Service > Maintenance and Service Processing > Maintenance and Service Notifications > Notification Creation > Notification Content >Define Catalog Profile

Display Catalog Directory with All Sub-Items
IMG Path : Plant Maintenance and Customer Service > Maintenance and Service Processing > Maintenance and Service Notifications > Notification Creation > Notification Content >Display Catalog Directory with All Sub-Items

 Cataqlogs and Catalog Profile for Notification Type : 
IMG Path : Plant Maintenance and Customer Service > Maintenance and Service Processing > Maintenance and Service Notifications > Notification Creation > Notification Content > Change Catalogs and Catalog Profile for Notification Type

SAP PM Catalog for Notification Types

Define Number Ranges: (T Code IW20) 

IMG Path : Plant Maintenance and Customer Service > Maintenance and Service Processing > Maintenance and Service Notifications > Notification Creation > Notification Types > 

Define number ranges

SAP PM Notification : Maintain Number Range

Assign Notification Types to Order Types (T Code OIM3)

Assign Order type by Notification Type

(First have to Create Order Types  and then assign to here)

Part 2 will publish soon